A New Look

Well, This is the start of something new and fun for me in SL I am known as the loan shark and the mini jaws of the SL lands. I have been around the kid community for a little over 5 years now and have enjoyed every moment of it. Every day I get to meet new and amazing people and make lots of good friends that I have grown close to. One of them is a girl named Kiki that I meet at a summer camp for HKE in Pleasantville. I was one of the few she told me that supported her with her dream of making an amazing store for kids in SL to go and get toys and gadgets. Throw the years I have watched her little store grow to what it is now. Kiki has now come to me to ask if I would like to be on her team and be a blogger I was more then happy to say yes and help spread the word with all the great toys and gadgets she has to offer us in SL. Most of the kids you see are not like I am so this where I will stand out from others as when I blog I have a mindset to look at the toy for the kid furries out there that are out there just a bit harder to find. I do hope you enjoy what I have to offer in the sight of little padded paw kids that want to have a normal SL life just like all the human kids out there.

Little Sharkster


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