Boys Stop LollygaggingYour In For Love

The Month for love is here and I have just the thing to make the cute girl that you like to see you like the close friend that you are to them. Come by So Silly to pick up one of the So Silly Happy Baby Bear & Candies, we boys are all ways the same waiting to the last moment to get the girl we like a gift to show we love them. Come get yours or spend the rest of the month in the dog house. Come play to get a choice of bears and candy hearts for Valentine's day. Listed below With one that I am close to. Cute soft plush bears with the love to show if with there cute hearts something to cuddle up with for sleeping or a rainy day to watch a movie with your friends or an add on for the slumber party your planning. Even with the large box of candy hearts that will crave any kid's sweet tooth for a month. Your new little friend will be a reminder forever of the cute boy or girl that you care about. ...